Inter-religious conflicts and peacebuilding in Prison
How to address the issues of religious affiliation, secularism, inter-religious conflicts and peacebuilding in prison?
During the month of April, the film “L’épaisseur des murs“ ( Walls Thickness ) by Federico Varrasso, which deals in particular with the “domestic” roots of religious intolerance, will be used in penitentiary institutions in the French Lyon region. The film offers a socio-historical and poetic reading of the phenomenon rooted in the daily life of a religious family in Port au Prince, Haiti. It also highlights the incredible cultural vivacity and community resilience that reigns in the working class neighborhoods of this city and country, which is an exemplary case of a certain reading of the contemporary world.
The initiative takes place within the framework of a program carried out by the Higher Institute for the Study of Religions and Secularism (ISERL) of the University Lumière Lyon 2.